Saturday, 25 September 2010

Starting all over again…

Many of you will be aware that this is not the first blog to go by this name. This blog’s predecessor was probably quite notorious for it’s less than impartial content, (at times) offensive nature, and generally negative tone.

Whereas this may have been the order of the day some years back, several transformative experiences have occurred in my life. Firstly, I have been on a year abroad in France, teaching. This time for me was of great change and personal growth. I learnt more about myself than I thought possible. I discovered a passion for working with people and teaching.

Also, quite importantly, I have been through a series of relationships that have changed my perception of a great many things. I have loved and been loved, and I have lost. Through all this uncertainty I have always been aware of the presence of God, looking over me. When I have felt lonely and unloved, I have been reminded that not only are there are a great many people who love me, but that there is a force- a silent presence that is love itself, looking over me and caring for me. The outcome of all this uncertainty and difficulty though has encouraged me to think again about what I want to be, and who I want to be with.

Change is though, an ongoing process, and what happens I would leave in God’s hands.

After all, what more can we do when facing the vastness of the eternal, than place it all before that power and know that all things are ordained by that mighty hand.

All that it is necessary is for us to simply be.


In Christ,


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